High Payout Casinos on Your Console: Dream or Reality?

Most consoles that are presently out in the market have internet browsing capability. It was only a matter of time before people started to wonder what else they could do on their consoles. In this context, we are referring to online gambling or just gambling in general.

Can You Gamble on a Console?

There has been quite a discourse about this. While there have been games on the console that touched upon gambling through games like “The Four Kings Casino and Slots” and “Prominence Poker”. While these are rather good in providing a simulation of being in a casino or playing certain games, they don’t exactly come with the realism that a lot of gamers want.

console controller

There is something completely different about the thrill of putting your money on the line and waiting to see if it actually pays off or not. We’ve done some looking around and from what we’ve found it’s kind of disappointing on this end.

Can You Play At Best Payout Casinos on a Console?

The challenge of finding the best payout casino sounds interesting, right? We saw an ad online and wanted to investigate the possibility of playing casinos with high payouts also on a console. We knew we shouldn’t put our hopes up but still they got there somehow. So the disappointment was quite something as we learned that the answer to our question was identical with our other investigations: no, at least for now there is no way to play at the best payout casinos on a console.

We are still talking about websites which offer tons of fun and that you should definitely check out for yourself! As said, casinos with the best payout rates usually feature fantastic welcome offers that will get you into the right kind of a player mode. In addition, these spectacular websites can be visited both on desktop and on mobile devices. In other words, though you won’t have the luxury of playing the casino on a console, you still have a fair share of other choices!

The eSports Focus

Most big companies are focusing on the highly expanding field of eSports. The local and international teams which compete through certain games like League of Legends, StarCraft, DOTA, Hearthstone, CS: GO, Overwatch, and many of the like are the center of attention.


There are people which place bets on those particular events but it is highly unlikely that they will be coursed through consoles at this point in time. It is possible for players to go online through their consoles but it is generally something that most people avoid. This is due to the fact that consoles do not have antivirus firmware installed. So if there is ever anything that targets firmware, your console’s OS may not stand a chance.

With all this, it’s pretty safe to say that betting through consoles or playing gambling games. We highly look forward to the time where browsing is more secure and people can actually do full gambling if they want to. What about on your end? What are your thoughts about gambling through a console?